How to conserve water??

Water is playing a vital role in the existence of all life forms on earth. People who are blessed with the abundance of water resources are using water more than required for their daily chores. Eventually, resulting in the shortage of water supply in many areas. Approximately, ¾ of the earth is covered with water resources but about 97% is salt water only 3% is clean fresh.

water for human usage. But this also turned the table out, only 1% among this is in the form of drinking water.

Conservation Techniques

  • Install Low flow plumbing fixtures.
  • Use Grey water to water your lawn.
  • Check for leaks-A faucet leaking can cause about loss of 3000 gallons of water per second.
  • Upgrade appliances-fully automatic washer,bathing tubs etc.
  • Rooftop Rainwater harvesting-less expensive,more effective way to recharge your bore wells.
  • Surface runoff harvesting- can be used to recharge aquifers.
  • Educate water users

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